KLA Frequently Asked Questions

Is KLA right for you?

The Kuskokwim Learning Academy (KLA) is for students that struggle in a traditional school setting and are trying to get a high school diploma. Our students, typically, do not go to college after graduation. Some of the many options our students have chosen include attending Job Corp, AVTEC, YUUT Adult Ed Programs, and entering the military. Our school is for those looking for an alternative route to success. We help our students discover that alternative path and work with them to achieve their goals. May Bethel students live in the dorms? We strongly discourage Bethel residents from applying to the dorms. We will consider Bethel residents for the dorms only under special circumstances.

How do I apply to KLA?

1. Applications can be completed and submitted online. Or you can print it, complete it, and email to leah_shrekengast@lksd.org.
2. Send your transcript to [email protected].
3. You will be contacted for an entrance interview.
We will do a reference check.
5. KLA's leadership team will vote on your acceptance.

Am I guaranteed a spot at KLA when I apply?

No. We have a high number of applicants and limited space. We cannot guarantee any spots.

How will I know if I have been accepted to KLA?

We will call you with the results from the leadership team. KLA office will send you a welcome letter, packet and flight information.

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